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hello as the main coder for ptc i would like to thank you for putting the non full game despite the fact ptc’s long gone, seeing people Do Not piracy is very nice

Wow appreatntally i saw this before but whatever lol

if it was good that I focused on those lost unknown mods and not leak mods like 99.999% of users who leak maybe for bad reasons but unless they are a kid from Africa who is in poverty with a Potato laptop where he wants to play Cheesed Up which then ends up IN AN EXP... well before I didn't think the same and I almost released scoutdigo 1.2 on but luckily there I thought about how immoderate it would be to release it, thanks for reading.

Yk, in the most respectful way possible, let him cook.

ptoa where


cool baldi mod i found.

where is people? (players)

the server is dead

The Doise - Pizza Tower Wiki


Dear Mr. Lost M:

You need to fix your grammar errors that you have, just fix it easily.

(1 edit)

you are right, I will use (translate yandex) no (translate google)

edit:translate yandex usa translate on google

Deberías saber esta solución gramática.

Si yo lo hubiera escrito hubiera sido como:

You are Right, I will use Yandex instead of Google Translation.

Edit: Translate Yandex usa Translate en Google

English:ready now update pizza tower online collection

Español:listo ahora actualiza pizza tower online collection

i log in... i crash:(

is ptox better than ptol

theres a update of pizza tower online x

is there a way to actually go to the replica tower PTO:X? i own pizza tower on steam but it wont let me

i think ptc:x is down i think

i was need find ptc build



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PTOX crashes and doesnt let me play, fix it pls

why do i see you everywhere?

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It could be due to low power on your computer.

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bro i have 100%

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can you do pizza tower: connected?

(1 edit)

same for me always i open it runs fine but then i then need to update the game but i dont know where (because the dev comes in the game and fucks us up and we cant play the game)

But you want the union schedule

Deleted 259 days ago

I think you didn't download the mod because it is the free version, read the new thing I posted.

got it then

Deleted 16 days ago

that is not together

Because he does whatever the fucking hell he wants |=(

(1 edit)

okay but that was piracy lmao



Игра отличная решил поиграть с другом правда он регестрироволся 1 час а так отлично

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me arrepiento de mis actos

Deleted 259 days ago

Как он час регистрировался. У меня заняло 2 минуты 0_o



buen juego 100\10

(1 edit)

nose bueno si